Ways to Improve Your Bathroom without Spending a Fortune

Thinking of improving the overall look of your bathroom? If so, you are making the right decision. A renovated bathroom not only pleases the eyes of your visitors or provides you and your family, convenience in taking a bath, using the commode, and so on, but it also gives your home a higher value, in case you are planning to have it leased, rented, or sold.

Some think that the only way they can improve the look of their bathroom is by spending tons of rupees. Actually, that is not the case as there are many ways one can improve the overall look of their bathroom without spending too much.


Tips for cheap bathroom renovation

Below are some good tips to consider when renovating a bathroom:

  • Add bathroom accessories

This is an effective yet cheap way to improve the overall look of your bathroom. It is not expensive as a towel holder or bathroom shelf is more than enough to give your bathroom a newer and better look. Some add-ons to consider are:

  • Lights

Adding more lights to a bathroom can surely give it a better and warmer look.

  • Change faucets, shower heads, etc

Faucets, the same as shower heads, come in different styles, designs, and functionalities. A simple change can give your bathroom a dramatic change.

  • Repaint walls

Changing the paint of your wall is something you can do on your own. Changing the color of your bathroom can give it a new theme and ambiance. Choose a color that suits your taste and personality the most. Hiring a professional may not be necessary as such projects do not require high expertise.

If you have no idea about it, you may want to seek help from a friend or a relative.

  • Compare prices

Do not buy accessories or bathroom fittings in a rush. Take as much time as you need to compare prices. There are a lot of shops selling accessories and fixtures online, which you can browse for the perfect product.

You may also want to ask when is the shop’s upcoming sale or if they have available discount coupons to offer. Getting the same item at a cheaper price is without a doubt, a great savings opportunity.


  • Recycle

Do not throw anything unless it is completely broken or useless. Instead of throwing them away why not sell it or change its face. A cabinet does not need replacement to make it look brand new and fresh, a simple painting job or change of handles is more than enough to make it look better.

Recycling is not an issue at all, irrespective of whether you want a complete new look for your bathroom or just a minimal change. Artistry is the key to make any bathroom look its best.

Spending a fortune is not necessary to make your bathroom look new and good again. Following the tips below can help you a lot in giving your bathroom, a new facelift.

Things You Need To Know About Shower Enclosure

Shower enclosures come in different designs, styles, functionalities and sizes. It gives the bathroom not only a nicer look but also convenience and practicality. If you are planning to renovate or improve your bathroom, considering a shower enclosure would surely be a great idea.


Choosing the best shower enclosure

With the many showers cabins available in the market today, choosing which among them to purchase may not come easy. Below are some of the things you may want to consider when buying one:

  • Give high consideration to the glass. Make sure that the glass is thick enough to not break easily. Also, you may want to consider glass that has an easy to clean film for easier maintenance.
  • Self-closing or magnetic door is recommended to ensure that water leaks are prevented outside the cubicle.
  • To achieve a seamless finish, consider an installation that is hidden and invisible.
  • Bi-fold or sliding door have high quality and durable rollers for durability and enjoy smooth glide for a long time. Plastic rollers are not recommended as most of the time, they need to be replaced often
  • Choose a design that would perfectly match your bathroom theme. There are tons of designs, colors and styles to choose from in the market, hence finding the one that would match your bathroom, is not hard. 


Different types of Shower Enclosure

Below are some of the shower enclosure types you need to know about:

  • Quadrant enclosures: This enclosure type is curved and made to fit corners of the bathroom.
  • Pivot shower door: This on the other hand, opens into your bathroom.
  • Bi-fold shower door: This saves space as it is opened inwards.
  • Sliding shower door: This is, most of the time, large and perfect to replace the bathtub walls.
  • Steam shower cabin: If you have money to spare and would love to enjoy your shower more, steam shower cabin is perfect for you. It offers the relaxation you can get from a sauna plus the convenience of an enclosure
  • Walk-in shower: If you want a larger space when taking a bath, a walk-in shower is the perfect option for you


The importance of glass thickness

Thickness of the enclosure glass is highly important, as it decides not only the durability but the price too. There are basically three levels of thickness to consider, 8mm, 6mm and 4mm. Let’s know about each of their characteristics.

  • 8mm: 8mm is thick enough to provide high durability and integrity to a framed or frameless enclosure. This is a perfect choice for people who prioritize quality than price. Since, it is more expensive than other thickness levels, some may see it as unreasonable for domestic use.
  • 6mm: This is the cheaper version of the 8mm. It may not be as sturdy but needless to say, it is more than enough to resist wear and tear.
  • 4mm: This is the least durable of all options, but yet reliable. If you do not have too much money to spare, 4mm is good enough to consider.